Intragastric Ballon

The intragastric ballon is a non-surgical, non-pharmacological alternative system to treat obesity and overweight.

It has the objective of partially filling the stomach with the intention that the patient has satiety and he feels full, which will restrict the amount of intake of food, leading to progressive weight loss.

The intragastric ballon is placed by endoscopy under sedation. it is made of high quality inflatable silicon material, which makes it safe, durable and resistant to the stomach’s acid. It has a spherical shape that permits flotation, diminishing the risk of sitting in the lower part of the stomach. Its surface is smooth so it does not produce friction or irritation of the stomach wall.

It is a temporary method because it has to be removed between 6 to 8 months later by endoscopy. During this time, the intragastric ballon controls the patient’s appetite, leading to weight loss. Most importantly, during this period we can achieve patient education on good food choices, balanced nutrition, changes in behavior under medical, nutritional and psychological guidance.

The intragastric ballon ideally is for patients with mild to moderate overweight issues. It can also be used on patients with very high surgical risk to improve their operative prognosis with some prior weight loss and resolution of comorbidities.

The expected weight loss with this method is approximately 45 pounds.

The advantages of this procedure are:

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