Your Life After Surgery

After surgery, you will have significant improvement in your health. Some of these improvements are related to diabetes, high blood pressure, joint problems and sleep.

There have been patients who do not understand the magnitude of the changes that must be made in their life to achieve weight loss long term. It is important to understand the procedure you are going to submit yourself to and how it will affect your life. That is why it’s also called behavioral surgery.

You will be making major changes in your eating habits, and because your stomach will have less capacity, you will have to eat and drink small amounts.

When you share a table with other people or go out to eat socially, you must eat smaller portions more times a day, while others can eat full meals. It will be essential that you take daily vitamins and minerals prescribed.

During the first year you will be followed up monthly. After the first year you’ll be checked at 3,6,9,12 and 18 months.

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